Dear friends, I’m about to attempt the impossible, the incredible, the unfathomable! 🙂 What? During the next 6 to 8 months I will be sleeping only 2h per day. Imagine the sudden boost of free time: having 22h long days! … Continue reading
Thank you
February 29, 2012 by alvaro | 0 comments
Dear all, Thank you.
Your response has been amazing. In just a few days you showed your support for the project and sent lots of comments, suggestions, concerns and encouragement.
Rui, Daniele, Enrique, Sarah, Tam, Jeff, Casey, Sri, Zhengwei, Luis M., Luis T., Agustín, Alberto, Cathy, Sergio, Talía, Antonio, Nadir, Chloe, Diana, Christian, Sophie, Jota Jota, Alice, Hannes, Joy, Grant and Christopher! You’re great! Thanks for believing in this project.
I’ll be printing and shipping the T-shirts soon for all those of you who ordered one.
This gallery contains 3 photos