
March 11, 2012
by alvaro

Day 4 – Sleepy …

Waking up at 2:00 was a little harder today. Sleepy eyes, warm bed and my body asking for mercy did not make it easy. Washing my face and sitting in the living room didn’t help either. I tried to meditate but I was distracted, yawning and had a light headache. So … using light, yogurt, cafeine-free tea and cookies … I managed to get myself to work by 3:30.

: I still find myself regularly wanting to fall asleep. I don’t seem to have enough concentration to program or write.

: Fighting sleep. I can’t wait for my 7am nap. Programming makes me sleepy after just a few minutes. I need to walk around, get busy, do laundry, etc. I guess my body has finally realized I’m skipping too many hours of sleep. The hard adaptation phase has begun!

: Sleep deprived? Very. Unless I’m standing and active I take winks now and then.
8:00:  The 7am nap was a full REM nap. I was exhausted and entered REM in 2 minutes, followed by 26mn of uninterrupted dreaming.  Pretty cool. 🙂

polyphasic sleeping log, sleep phases

Everyman-3nap schedule for March 11th --- tough schedule! --- CLICK TO ENLARGE

Between 8 and 12 I let myself have a little coffee.  1/2 a tea-spoon of freeze-dried coffee (I know, I know … you can hardly call that coffee), and milk.  Warm, conforting and a kick.

I was tired enough that the coffee didn’t interfere with my other naps which seem to mimic a typical “beginning of a night” stair taking the Awake, REM, Light and Deep steps.

Naps are recharging, but it takes me a good 10 – 15mn to get out of the drowsiness.  Today was no doubt the hardest day.  I’m going to continue a few more days of Everyman (with 3h core night sleep) to make sure I survive!

March 10, 2012
by alvaro

Day 3 — Everyman, 3 naps

polyphasic sleep phases diagram, everyman schedule

March 10th 2012, Core sleep (night) in Everyman shedule

I woke up at 2:30 after 3h of core sleep and it was easy. I felt awake and my mind was clear for a few hours. I could blog, program and move well.

Today I’ll take 3 naps of 30 minutes: At 7:00, 12:00 and 17:00. Around 4am hunger lead me to a new recipe:  Fresh orange + carob tree syrup (Peruvians call it Algarrobo, and it’s supposed to be invigorating and healthy …  maybe a good thing for the sleep deprived) .

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March 9, 2012
by alvaro
1 Comment

Day 2

My phone talks to the headband. Don’t worry, I’m not hearing voices (yet) … what I mean is that they communicate wirelessly. This allows a feature called “smart wake”. You give an interval (say between and ), and the phone starts the alarm if and when you wake up naturally in that interval.

Of course, If you’ve been flat out REM-ing (neologism?) or in deep sleep and arrives the alarm will shake you out of bed anyway.

Last night I set my “smart wake” for … hoping to sleep . But I fell asleep 20mn earlier than expected exhausted by the first Everyman day. So falling asleep at 23:20 plus a late “smart wake” at 4:15 gave me 5:08of core sleep.

polyphasic sleeping phases

sleeping phases for the night of March 8 - March 9

Way too much!

Way too little by anybody’s watch (but way too much for my major sleep progression: -> -> -> -> ).

So I napped at but it was quite light. napHours went by with an alternation of drowsy and clarity. I spent the day tweaking this blog (and its French and Spanish homologues), coding an svgfig script, working, tidying, video editing, and sharing the evening with my partner.

But I missed my nap. I got carried away by Kony2012’s video. I was moved by their 2006 documentary when I first watched it 3 years ago but did nothing. This time I had to lend a hand. So I decided to give them spanish subtitles. Of course … 0:30 watching + 0:40 writing, 0:40 cutting, 0:40 editing … soon adds up to … sore eyes, tiredness and  2h delayed nap … but I think it’s a good cause. The press has complained about a simplified, Hollywood style, partial, US-centric video. I agree with all those adjectives. However, where were all those commentators in 2006 when they made the real documentary? Well, nobody watched it. Nobody noticed. Nobody cared.  Hollywood style appeals to the masses.  I think it’s a good way to raise awareness and start the conversation.
But coming back to sleep my late nap was unsuccessful (i.e. no sleep).

Exhausted by , I’m going to bed.


My top priority (as it should be for life itself) is to stay healthy. But exercise has not always been where my mouth is. Last year I became a chair-potatoe. No bike, no running and way too much computer. I’m fortunate to have a doctor at home (my partner) who can keep an eye on me, but I want to closely monitor any adverse effect of this experiment.

Two weeks ago I started a daily (and easy) run, bike ride or walk. However I pushed myself a little too hard running about 3 miles. I know, I know, … 3 miles is nothing! But I’ve never really run in my life. I’ve cycled many thousands of km (litteraly), but have probably never ran more than 50km in my entire life. Anyway, pulled hamstring. So I’m concerned about it not getting enough sleep to recover. I’ll monitor that very closely in the next few days. Good night!

sleeping diagram for March 8th 2012

March 8, 2012
by alvaro

Day 1

It is 4am.  I’ve had a core sleep of 4:40.

  • 1:15 of REM, 
  • 2:34 of LIGHT
  • 0:50 of DEEP sleep.

I found it quite easy to get out of bed.  There was some excitment about starting this experiment, and doing stuff at 4am.  Curiosity and making this experiment work are a good motivator so far.  The feeling after waking up was a little drowsy but I was soon reading about web programming (ZEO APIs ) and doing some chores (online purchases, tidying and such).  Overall it just feels like one of those early work days when you have to wake up quite early.   But will my body need the naps at the right time?

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March 7, 2012
by alvaro
1 Comment

Day 0

Dear all. I’m ready.

I have about a month and a half of sleep times written down, and with the logging equipment I have measured 15 days of  “normal” sleep  (I will share the  data soon).

Here’s the progression for the next days:

  • Day 05h30 core sleep + 1 nap (typical siesta)
  • Day 1:   4h30 core sleep, +  2 naps (or Everyman 2-nap)
  • Day 2:  4h30 core sleep, + 2 naps (or Everyman 2-nap)
  • Day 3: 3h core sleep, + 3 naps (Everyman 3-nap)

It’s the weekend! 🙂

  • Day 43h core sleep, + 3 naps (Everyman 3-nap)
  • Day 51h30 core sleep + 4 naps (Everyman 4-nap)
  • Day 6:  Full Überman schedule, 6 naps

Today is like an early morning work day.  I woke up at 5am, after 5h35 of sleep.  My body said “stay in bed!” , but it was relatively easy to overcome.  The adaptation phase in the next two weeks is still quite daunting.  But there’s only one way to find out and that’s to try it.

March 5, 2012
by alvaro

Going to bed with my sensors

This is how I get ready for bed (video has sound!):

view on Vimeo

Measuring your sleep requires certain discipline.  Every night I must remember the sensors. They later automatically synchronize with the server online and leave the sleep and movement data ready for me to process later.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed on rockethub,, and to my brother and girlfriend for the fun stopmotion!


fitbit docking station

March 1, 2012
by alvaro
1 Comment

Measurement Apparatus have Arrived

Dear all.  The equipment to measure the sleep and physical activity has arrived.

I have received a 3D accelerometer (or fancy pedometer) which has a few functions and niceties.  It is small, light and clips on to my belt or trousers.

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Thank you

February 29, 2012 by alvaro | 0 comments

Dear all,  Thank you.

Your response has been amazing.  In just a few days you showed your support for the project and sent lots of comments, suggestions, concerns and encouragement.

Rui, Daniele, Enrique, Sarah, Tam, Jeff, Casey, Sri, Zhengwei, Luis M., Luis T., Agustín, Alberto, Cathy, Sergio, Talía, Antonio, Nadir, Chloe, Diana, Christian, Sophie, Jota Jota, Alice, Hannes, Joy, Grant and Christopher!  You’re great! Thanks for believing in this project.


I’ll be printing and shipping the T-shirts soon for all those of you who ordered one.

View the pictures →

This gallery contains 3 photos

February 1, 2012
by alvaro

help me measure my polyphasic sleep

Dear friends,

I’m about to attempt the impossible, the incredible, the unfathomable! 🙂


During the next 6 to 8 months I will be sleeping only 2h per day. Imagine the sudden boost of free time: having 22h long days! And imagine the mental experience of being awake all the time.

According to my research it is possible to do so and stay fully alert, healthy and full of energy. But as a scientist, of course, I want to measure; and as an open-source enthusiast, I would like to share my data and experience with the world.

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January 29, 2012
by admin

The seed …

9 months ago some serendipitous browsing took me to one of Dustin Curtis‘ articles.  HOW TO HACK YOUR BRAIN.  The title was a good start.

how to hack your brain by dustin curtis

SLEEP.  Interesting.  I’ve always been fascinated by the intensity and surreal character of my dreams.  In addition, during my MSc I did some computational neuroscience research at my university’s neurolab, and participated in a congress on “neuro-physiopathology of sleep” at the Menéndez Pelayo University.  So I devoured the 1000 word article and was left quite puzzled.

Can you really sleep 2h a day and feel rested?  Why had I never heard of this ?  Surely you would feel exhausted and die!!

Time to research the issue at hand.  So I visited  everything2steve pavlina, kuro5hin, puredoxyk.  Really?  Were these people lying or was it really possible to actually feel better, more productive, and have incredibly long days?

From that day on, there was only one outcome:  I had to try it!  But as a scientist I also wanted to make the most of the experiment.  This is where this blog starts.  It’s the beginning of a quantitative experiment on polyphasic sleep.  Stay tuned!